Monday, July 20, 2009
Retro/Grade is Bass Aackwards
This is why I dig PSN. This game looks equal parts fucking awesome and "God, I really don't want to play this because it's going to make me pull my hair." Still, love the thinking of 24 Caret Games. Something diffenet is always welcome in the face of seemingly every game this holiday season having a fucking number behind it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Modern Warefare 2: Night Jiggle Edition

Holy hell man! Just what every friggin COD:MW2 needs, a pair of functioning night vision goggles! Seriously tho, what the fuck is going to happen when every jackass with a spare $100-150 goes and gets a pair of goggles with their new game? sure, it comes with some other shit like a metal colletors tin, the original COD, three quarters of a head, an art book, and somewhere in there a copy of Modern Warfare 2. What I foresee happening is a bunch of nighttime peeping tom arrests going on starting 11/10/09! Either that, or people start to commence ta night jiggling.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Last MAG Monday video: Command and control
MAG still is looking like a really fun time. Could it have long legs like COD4, that STILL have insane amounts of players? Very possible if you check out the video. Still can't get behind that name, though.....
Monday, June 29, 2009
Will MAG have the last laugh?

What was the the biggest joke in Sony's E3 press conference last year? MAG. An FPS with 256 players and a terrible name. Game journalists scoffed at it as "another Sony fail." I'll admit that I thought that Zipper would have changed the name by now to SOCOM something. But at this point, if the game turns out the be a success, they can rub it in everyone's face. But I'm getting off track......
Jump ahead to this year's Sony press con and MAG isn't looking like a joke. It's looking and sounding really cool. It's like some of the best parts of COD4 and (of all games) Warhawk, competitive/Co-Op gameplay with a huge amount of players. Now, I'll admit that the player count does worry me. While in some cases, (like the smaller Headquarters maps on COD4) chaos can be really fun. But a whole game based around possibly hundreds of people shooting at each other could run very thin quickly. But, in an interview with IGN via Podcast Beyond, (interview starts at 28:00) lead designer Andy Bodwin talked about how the action would ramp up. Starting you out in a smaller group of 4 to 8 to let you get the feel of the tactical side of the game and working as a team, battles and objectives soon escalate to larger and larger scale until you end up in a 128 vs. 128, 300-style showdown. If pulled off correctly, the tension and feel of being in a full scale war should be as real as you could get on a console.
The real test is going to be that feeling that at anytime, a group from the other team could show up and the fight would be on. Maybe your support will be able to help you and maybe you'll have to go it alone and hope for the best. It's a difficult feeling to convey in a game. The most resent attempt would be the final battle in Killzone 2. (link contains spollers)
In an interview with Gamespot @ E3, Andy and CJ from Zipper talk about the "Dangling the Carrot" gameplay that is going to play into your progression in the game and how the world will continue whether or not you are playing. Sounds like the near perfect COD4 Perk system will be used here as well. Also sounds very MMO inspired. DLC and expanded locations and scenarios are very interesting if done correctly.
After watching the latest MAG Monday video via, I'm thinking that this is game is going to be a bigger deal than people might be giving it credit for. Granted that it's still early, but I trying to keep an open mind about things. It's a flaw. Check the all the MAG Monday vids below.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Smackdown: The return of the Product
It's been a while since the last SD I posted. Figured that it's a little quiet on the home front, so here you go. Note that this why I'm not looking forward to cross game chat on PS3 any time soon. It could lead to a stroke or at the very least, blown out speakers.
E3 thoughts coming soon, I promise.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Project Natal Puts the Pedal to the Metal on Jimmy Fallon Show
WOAH! This video kinda squelched some of my doubts about Projecy Natal being a rigged demo at E3. The shit where they hot swap with Burnout Paradise kinda "drove the point home" so to speak.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Mike Tyson’s Brunch-Out!
Although school is running me ragged, I’ve still found time to play the new Wii Punch-Out!! in my spare time and actually made it to the end of the first round of career mode. I have lots of thoughts and impressions I’d like to share, but unfortunately I don’t have the time at this point to do so. Plus, I want to try out playing the game with the Wii Remote used as a NES style controller and the motion boxing while using the balance board before I post. I also need to play a bit more of Head-To-Head too (because from my limited experience from it, it plays differently than the main game somehow; either that or I suck!).
In the meantime, I thought I’d post a little video featuring “Iron” Mike Tyson. Yes, he’s not in the new game; moreover, he’s completely unaware of the latest Punch-Out!!even existing. Still, I couldn’t resist posting a little ditty called “Mike Tyson’s Brunch Out.” It’s episode 5 of the series “Meth Minute” by animator Dan Meth. Enjoy!
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