Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Killzone 2 Kountdown: Assault and Engineer Badges

I figured that I'd jump on the bandwagon and drop some Killzone 2 heat. First, we have the badges for the Assault and Engineer classes in multiplayer. It sounds alot like Team Fortress 2 to me, which for me is cool. You know, since TF2 kind of sucks on PS3. The Engineer class seems like the class I'll be messing with initially. Having sentries shooting the shit out of people around corners while they are unaware is a very satisfying way to win a game. Reminds me of owning people in Goldeneye on N64 with the Laptop gun. Having started COD4 as of late, I look forward to shooting you in the face in a few days.

Assault class and badges

Engineer class and badges

More coming soon.



demonj00 said...
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demonj00 said...
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demonj00 said...

Messed up my last comment...

I've just read on the internets that Gamestop has cancelled 95% of the Killzone 2 Midnight Releases. Full story at http://xboxliveopinion.blogspot.com